
Jiří Bilbo Reidinger

Jiří Bilbo Reidinger

Jiří Bilbo Reidinger was born in Loučovice. He studied pantomime at the Prague Conservatory(1980-84) and attended courses given by Ctibor Turba at the Department of Marionette Play of the Academy of Performing Arts (1980-82). In 1986 he took up an internship at the international Marionette Institute in Charleville-Meziéres. For more than thirty years he has devoted to clownery and comedic theatre in general. In 1982 he was engaged by state circuses as Bilbo the clown and went on a year-long tour of Central Asia and Siberia(1983). Since the middle of the 1980s he has Works on a freelance basis and. He has also guested as an actor and choreographer in bricks-and-mortar theatres; for instance, at the National Theatre in Pragu, at Divadlo Na zábradlí, at the Theatre in Dlouhá, the Œvanda Theatre, and others. From October to November 2006, as Bilbo the clown he accompanied the Cirque nouveau Apolo programme on Střelecký ostrov in Prague. He has written numerus articles for magazines and newspapers and also published the books Cirksezóna/1992/, Burleska téměř excentrická/1997/, Kdyľ bolí úsměv/2008/, Cirkus Chauve/2009/.

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